
Why the Japanese Hate the Free iPhone

Apple's iPhone has wowed most of the globe — but not Japan, where the handset is selling so poorly it's being offered for free.

What's wrong with the iPhone, from a Japanese perspective? Almost everything: the high monthly data plans that go with it, its paucity of features, the low-quality camera, the unfashionable design and the fact that it's not Japanese.

In an effort to boost business, Japanese carrier SoftBank this week launched the "iPhone for Everybody" campaign, which gives away the 8-GB model of the iPhone 3G if customers agree to a two-year contract.

"The pricing has been completely out of whack with market reality," said Global Crown Research analyst Tero Kuittinen in regard to Apple's iPhone prices internationally. "I think they [Apple and its partners overseas] are in the process of adjusting to local conditions."

Read the whole article @ Wired

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Free iPhone Wallpaper: Jennifer Lopez

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Free iPhone with Qualifying Plans in Japan

Softbank offers a free 8GB iPhone with a two year contract.

Japanese cell phone provider SoftBank has implemented a temporary promotion that offers customers a free 8GB iPhone with a two-year contract. The 8GB version is free with the basic, premium, or student plan. The 16GB version costs ¥11,520 ($120USD) and the cost is spread out over two years as an additional ¥480 ($5USD) added to the monthly fee. This is a common practice often used to tack on additional fees in Japan.

The promotion is called the "iPhone for Everybody Campaign" and runs until the end of May. In addition to the free iPhone promotion, Softbank has also dropped the maximum price of the standard data plan to ¥4410 ($45USD) from ¥5985 ($62USD).

In Japan the iPhone launched on July 11, 2008 to mixed success. Only a month after launch Softbank was dropping fees in order to attract more customers to the iPhone. When it launched, the iPhone was lacking features specific to the Japanese market that exists on almost all cell phones in this market. Features the iPhone lacks include the ability to pay for purchases using the phone called FeliCA, the ability to watch television on the phone using the 1Seg service, and the inability to text message using one hand which is standard practice in Japan.

Read the whole article @ Daily Tech

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Sneak Peek at Google Latitude for the iPhone?

Google recently announced their Latitude service, which lets you and your friends share your location, and while they’ve made it available to some platforms, the iPhone version hasn’t surfaced yet… Or has it?

A tipster has sent us a photo of what looks to be Latitude integrated into the iPhone Map App. Now, we know that Apple, not Google created the Map app. Based on Google’s back-end data, to be sure, but Apple made the interface. So, if Latitude is coming by way of Maps, Apple is going to have to be the one who releases it — and that means it won’t be until another firmware update (2.3 at the earliest, 3.0 at the outside).

Read the whole article @ The iPhone Blog

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Android vs. iPhone, Open vs. Closed, Love vs. Chocolate…

Our pal Casey over at Android Central, launching off the latest ruminations of GigaOm Malik, on the relative advantages and disadvantages of open source vs. proprietary software models, as straw-man’d into the current tech darlings from Google and Apple: the Android and the iPhone, says:
We can’t deny that the iPhone is wildly successful in spite of (or because of?) their closed, proprietary nature. It’s essentially the dilemma that iPhone users have been trying to find the balance to–the iPhone’s closed nature creates a clean, seamless and synergetic user experience but it often comes at the expense of the freedom of choice. You have to trust Apple enough to play nice and take a leap of faith with the direction of the iPhone.
Read the whole article @ The iPhone Blog

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Why More Free iPhone Apps Are Now Available

Now, more than ever, the App Store includes demos of paid apps which folks can download and decide whether the program is worth the buy

Some developers learned the hard way that pricing an app too high, or just slapping a price onto an app that does almost nothing will not pave the way to success. In contrast, others learned coding the hard way, and the benefits of their strivings were enough and some to spare. Some of those successful iPhone developers are the ones who decided to offer up a free version of their app, thus maximizing their chances of having folks like it and eventually buy the full set of features.

We've just finished covering Ethan Nicholas' success story, and decided to check up on everyone's favorite iPhone app tracker (Apptism) to see exactly how many free apps are there in the App Store at the moment. Not surprisingly, there are currently well over 5,000 freeware programs to download onto an iPhone or iPod touch, according to the tracker. Most of them, though, are actually Free, or Lite versions of paid apps and games. But, as the developer of iShoot has proven, a Free / Lite version of an app can make all the difference in the world.

So, where did this Lite initiative stem come from? Well, developers have long complained about the rating / reviewing system in the App Store. Moreover, while new apps were making their way onto the venue, older applications receiving mere updates were climbing onto a much better position, for one reason or another, preventing the new titles from being displayed for a fair amount of time. Some devs went as far as giving their apps strange names, just so the alphabetical system would push their apps in line.

Read the whole article @ Softpedia

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50+ Free iPhone Apps to Make You Richer

The iPhone and iPod Touch are capable of a number of things, including helping you keep track of your money. From figuring out loan payments, to calculating tips and finding an ATM within your network so you won’t pay fees, there seem to be countless apps to choose from.

If you truly want to save money, then FREE applications are the way to go, and we’ve gathered up over 50 of them that will help you complete a multitude of tasks.

What are some of your favorite iPhone and iPod Touch financial apps?

Banking Applications

1st Mariner ATM/Branch Locator - Locate ATMs and branches in the 1st Mariner banking chain as well as the MoneyPass ATM network.

Bank of America - Look up your account balance, find nearby Bank of America branches, pay bills, transfer funds and more all right on your iPhone or iPod Touch.

Chase Mobile - Take control of your Chase account while on the go. Look up balances, pay bills, locate ATMs and more.

IBC Mobile - Check your accounts, make payments, conduct transfers, search for nearby locations and more.

Mobile Banking on AT&T - This mobile banking app will allow you to choose which institution to bank with from Chase, Citi Cards, Regions, Sun Trust, USAA or Wachovia.

PayPal - While PayPal is not an official bank, that doesn’t stop people from sending and receiving payments with it, and now you can use PayPal on the go.

Financial News & Price Quote Applications

Black Gold - Keep up to date with the ever fluctuating gold, oil and gas prices with this app that provides near real-time reports of these volatile markets.

Bloomberg - Keep up with the latest news, world market reports, your own portfolio, or look up new stocks with this handy application from Bloomberg.

eDerivaties - An application from Deustche Bank that lets you see how volatile the market is for equity indices and more.

Gold Price - See what the current buy & sell prices are for gold in US Dollars, British Pounds or Euros.

Read the whole article @ Mashable

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Social Media Break: 5 Free iPhone Apps to Fight Midweek Malaise

We’ve already shared our favorite Facebook applications to combat workday blues, and we’ve pointed you towards some great online shows to escape the daily grind, but sometimes you just need a mobile-friendly solution for those never ending all-hands meetings.

So whip out your phone and download these five free apps that will either keep your gaming fetish in check or test your ability to shoot virtual hoops, smash digital moles, master finger mazes, and keep blob-like creatures safe from harm.

1. iBasketball

iBasketball, which hails from SGN, creators of iBowl, turns your iPhone into a Wii-like object that you can use to interface with the game for some virtual BBall action.

To get in the game, just use your phone and literally make the shot motion, as if you were actually playing basketball, when holding the phone vertically. You can even dribble, just hold the phone horizontally and make the dribble motion. Sure your coworkers will think you’re crazy, but you’ll be enjoying a game of around-the world, and when they eventually get jealous you can kick them off the court in a live one-on-one match.

Read the whole article @ Mashable

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Bolt! free iPhone browser

If for some reason you’re not satisfied with the in-built iPhone Safari internet browser, or you would just like to try a different one for the heck of it, then look no further than “Bolt!“, a newly launched internet browser app for the iPhone.

The unique feature of Bolt! is that it allows you to browse the internet in completely full screen — allowing you more viewing space than Safari in both Landscape and Portrait modes.

Another great thing is the Private Web Browsing feature, which ensures that no web browsing history remains. Last but not least, its creators claim that this browser is faster than the Safari browser, using less RAM and loading pages faster.

Read the whole article @ iPhone World

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Free iPhone Wallpaper: Hayden Panettiere

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Rejected! 10 iPhone Apps That Didn't Make Apple's App Store

A 'throw shoes at Bush' app, a breast-jiggler, a naughty entry from the South Park guys--these are some of the iPhone apps that Apple unceremoniously denied shelf space

Apple has irked more than a few iPhone app developers by rejecting their creations for inclusion in the App Store, sometimes for reasons that seem to have little sense. The company won't reveal much about its mysterious and often seemingly-arbitrary process (representatives didn't respond to multiple requests to comment on this story), but we had no problem tracking down developers whose apps had been snubbed.

So cue the 2 Live Crew, smart-phone fanatics: We're delving into 11 iPhone apps banned in the U.S.A. and beyond.

1. Obama Trampoline

Swamiware's Obama Trampoline game, rejected by Apple this month, lets you place one of 18 politicians onto a giant trampoline, then use his or her body to pop balloons floating across
the screen. Barack Obama, John McCain, and other politicians from both parties were among the character choices.

"It's cartoony," says Swamiware President and CEO Patrick
Alphonso, hoping to deflate any implications of disrespect. "It's a game."

Apple, of course, didn't see the fun, and the game didn't get in. Swamiware is now working on retooling Trampoline for another try, but the guesswork is leaving its team less than elated.

"We spent a lot of time and money on this product," Alphonso says. "It sucks to develop an app and get it rejected for reasons that you weren't aware of."

2. MyShoe

The journalist who chucked his shoe at President George W. Bush missed his mark, and so too did an iPhone game based on the now-infamous incident. MyShoe, conceived by a Pakistan-based programmer, turned the iPhone's accelerometer into an apparatus for imaginary footwear-flinging.

The developer has been quoted as saying the game also let you take aim at Bin Laden and other public figures. Even so, it appears that Apple wanted to dodge the controversy, with its reviewers citing the App Store's rule against "ridiculing public figures" and flinging this idea right into the trash.

Read the whole article @ PC World

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BeerButton: Free iPhone App for Beer Drinkers

Stop rambling the streets after the bars are closed, desperately searching for your next source of cold beer. Locate the nearest liquor store in seconds by pressing the BeerButton on your iPhone.

Since you probably couldn’t understand written instructions anyway, the app pulls up Google Maps and shows you exactly where your drunk ass needs to go if you want to buy that very necessary 32oz of King Cobra, two beef sticks, jumbo bag of Hot Cheetos, and a skull cap covered in skulls with spider legs*.

Read the whole article @ 40 Cozy

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Free iPhone App Takes Picture, Gets the Fonts

Apple has approved a new free app for iPhone and iPod touch, placing it in the “Reference” category of apps, as it can identify any font by snapping a picture of it. WhatTheFont is the work of MyFonts studio (owned by Bitstream, Inc.).

The official description of WhatTheFont goes (from the iTunes App Store):
Identify the fonts in a photo or web graphic!

Ever seen a great font in a magazine ad, poster, or on the web and wondered what font it is? Whip out your iPhone and snap a photo, and WhatTheFont for iPhone will identify that font in seconds!

Instant gratification

WhatTheFont for iPhone connects directly to MyFonts’ acclaimed font identification service, which has been helping customers pinpoint mystery fonts for 10 years. It works via Wi-Fi or the mobile phone network, so you can get your font fix right there on the spot.

Read the whole article @ Softpedia

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The newest top free iPhone apps

One of the big advantages of Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch is the thousands of applications that you can install — some free, others not.

Most of these applications won't necessarily blow your mind, but among the thousands there are a few that stand out.

Below is a collection of what I believe are the best free applications that we can use here in South Africa.

Backgrounds: get cool backgrounds.

Bloomberg: for all your stock market information needs.

eReader: ebook reader.

Facebook: access your Facebook account.

Files lite: sync files to your device, including pdf's, jpg's, Word and Excel files.

Flashlight: bright white background that can serve as a light in the dark.

Fring: connect to multiple instant messaging services all at once, including Skype.

Moxier World: get a five-day weather forecast.

Now Playing: everything you need to know about movies, including show times and reviews.

Read the whole article @ iAfrica

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iPhone apps for Oscars lovers

Are you a big fan of the Oscars? The 81st annual Academy Awards will take place on Sunday. As an iPhone user, there are cool apps for you to enjoy the award’s show, trailers, news, history, outfits, wallpapers, games and so on.

Oscar Statuettes

Here are the apps:

iSlumDog Millionaire: The best-picture nominee Slumdog Millionaire’s soundtrack and production photos of . $0.99.
Hollywood Trivia - The Oscar Quiz: Oscars-based games and quiz. $0.99.
Access2Go: The hottest Oscars’ celebrity news. Free.
Flixster: The Oscars movie’s trailers. Free.
Oscars History: The award’s history and trivia. $0.99.
Movie Challenge Oscar Special: The award’s trivia. $0.99.
And the Award Goes To: The Oscars’ who’s who since 1927. $0.99.
Style: the Academy Awards’ fashion coverage. Free.

And the Oscar for the best app goes to…

Read the whole article @ Top iPhone News

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Study claims free iPhone games lack long-term appeal

Just 20 per cent of people who download a free iPhone app come back to use it the next day, while after 30 days, just 5 per cent are still using it.

That's according to a study conducted by analytics firm Pinch Media. What's more, paid apps show a steeper decline in user interest.

It should be noted that the study relates to iPhone applications of all kinds, not just games. We wouldn't be surprised if games performed better.

Pinch also says free apps tend to be run 6.6 times more often than paid apps - 80 sessions - although CEO Eric Yardley explains to TechCrunch that the outlook for ad-supported apps is nevertheless somewhat murky.

Read the whole article @ Pocket Gamer

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proSEO Reveals the Inner Workings of Web Pages

If you make it your business to understand how well Web pages are optimized for search engines, proSEO is a good way to go for iPhone users. This handy app from Infinidigm enables to look at a Web page’s keywords, tags, HTML and other important attributes that factor into a site’s search engine ranking.

Enter the URL of the Web page you wish to analyze into the app’s browser and bookmark it if you plan to revisit it. After the Web page loads, tap the Analyze button and proSEO does the heavy lifting.

You can analyze a page by selecting one of four options: Source Analysis, Body Text Analysis, Anchors and Link Text and Images and Alt Text. Tap, say, Body Text Analysis and you’ll see the all the text that appear on your chosen Web page, the page’s word count and its stop word ratio.
Some of that is evident, even for users who are unfamiliar with SEO jargon. Stop word ratio is a measure of the number of times words such as “the,” “and” and other oft-used words appear on a page. Searchbots ignore commonly used words like those.

Some of that is evident, even for users who are unfamiliar with SEO jargon. Stop word ratio is a measure of the number of times words such as “the,” “and” and other oft-used words appear on a page. Searchbots ignore commonly used words like those.

For example, a look at AppCraver’s home page reveals 1979 words (which includes menus, captions and other text) with a word stop ratio of 43.507%. That means about half the words on the home page are indexed by searchbots.

Read the whole article @ App Craver

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Apple Vetos South Park iPhone App

Apple says "Screw You Guys" to South Park creators

Apple's iPhone is the clear leader in the smartphone category and its App Store is doing exceptionally well with users downloading numerous applications for the iPhone and the iPod touch. Some of the apps have sold hundreds or even thousands of copies.

However, some app developers are finding that getting their proposed apps approved by Apple can be challenging. The latest App to get the denial letter from Apple was from South Park Digital Studios. The company behind the popular cartoon Series South Park wanted to sell an app on the App Store that would provide fans of the show with easy access to clips from episodes and other content.

Apple says that the application for the app was denied because the app could be "potentially offensive" to some users. The interesting part is that the App Store is chocked full of apps that make boobs jiggle in images and produce fart sound effects.

Read the whole article @ Daily Tech

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Free iPhone Wallpaper: Clown Fish

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SpeedDate free iPhone app makes love search faster

Good news, everyone. And by everyone, I mean those who are trendy and single. Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and we're here to help you speed up that dating process.

You'll need to be an owner of either an iPhone or an iPod Touch, though. Thus, the aforementioned "trendy" notion.

This is my friend. Come get him, ladies!

Online speed dating service SpeedDate announced on Monday the availability of its free iPhone application. No more excuses. You can now find a match anywhere. Sort of.

The app allows access to SpeedDate members' profiles, which you can connect to by sending a "wink" or a quick "flirt." It also allows for creating a new profile if you are not already a member. You won't be able do much else, however, such as sending an e-mail to a member.

I tried the app on my iPhone 3G and got my profile up and running within a minute. After that, the application asked for my location and went straight to the "SpeedDate" tab, where it showed me a list in slide-show style of singles in my area between the ages of 18 to 99.

After narrowing the age range, I was surprised by the number of singles available in my vicinity. Unfortunately, the application doesn't allow for filtering by any other criteria, such as height, body type, or hair color. I couldn't put any of the matches into a "favorite" list either. And if I turned the application off, I needed to go through the same process again when I turned it back on. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to find the same person again.

As it turns out, the free version of the site, the same as this free application, doesn't allow for the freedom to save potential dates, search based on screen name, or filter searches with more details. It only allows you to show interest in others and hope they will pick you (and can afford to connect to you).

Read the whole article @ CNet

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Watch TV on your Free iPhone with TubeStick

Equinux, the company that provides the TV-watching solution The Tube for Mac, announced Wednesday its all new hardware TV tuner called TubeStick. The device, when coupled with free iPhone apps Live TV and TubeTogo, allows you to watch TV right on the screens of your iPhones and iPod Touches.

With Live TV, you can stream live television programs directly via Wi-Fi to your iPhone from your Mac that runs The Tube. TubeToGo, on the other hand, allows you to access and program TV recordings on the iPhone via the Internet while on the go.

The TubeStick hybrid brings the joys of your TV to your tiniest of screens.

TubeToGo also offers the possibility to share published recordings with friends. TubeToGo uses MobileMe or any other FTP server for online storage.

Both Live TV and TubeToGo applications are now available for free download at the iTunes App Store and are compatible with Equinux's TV receiver TubeStick.

TubeStick also works with Windows-based Media Center, with limited functionality.

Read the whole article @ CNet

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Free iPhone Tethering Options - Get a Free iPhone Modem!

Tethering your iPhone for free used to simply require jailbreaking your phone and installing PDAnet, but JuneCloud got wise and has since have since started charging $30 per year for the software.

But don’t fret, Gizmodo reports that there are at least two free options for tethering. One is iPhoneModem.de the other is iPhoneModem ($10 gets rid of the nags). The piece notes that there’s a third option called 3proxy but that it requires lots of manual configuration.

If you’re gun shy about jailbreaking your iPhone in light of Apple’s insistance that it’s illegal, you’ll have to wait for the rumored official tethering from AT&T. Good luck with that.

Read the whole article @ ZD Net

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Best free iPhone games on the App Store

Welcome, brave trawlers. It'll no doubt warm your winter-battered souls to learn the App Store's waters have been positively brimming with free puzzle titles this week.

Sure, it's always nice to have a high profile freebie flop onto the Trawler's deck, as we've had in the last few weeks with the great Rolando and sneak-peek Super Monkey Ball lite versions, but in a way the dominance of relative underdog titles this week has been refreshing.

So sit up, sip your brew and take a look what the net's brought in...

By On the Rocks
What is it? It's a cute cake-guzzling accelerometer game
Type Demo

In this simple-but-slick accelerometer game, you control a little feline candy monster as it scurries around a maze, chomping any goodies that it finds. You need to avoid the maze's icy-looking walls though, or you'll have to restart the level.

This lite version contains two of the full game's ten worlds, but since there are a handful of levels in each world, it's plenty to be getting on with. Get on with the cake munching, greedy gamers!

Read the whole article @ Pocket Gamer

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Free iPhone Wallpaper: Anna Kournikova

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RipDev Releases Kali Anti-Piracy Service to Protect iPhone Apps from being Pirated

We had reported about a jailbreak app called Crackulous which strips the copy protection from iPhone apps and render them free for distribution.

At that time, we had commented that this was bad news for iPhone developers and that cracking iPhone apps or installing cracked iPhone apps was crossing the line which had resulted in an interesting debate among iPhone Hacks readers.

We now have some good news to report for the iPhone developers. RipDev, the folks behind the Installer app have recently released Kali Anti-Piracy which is a service to protect iPhone apps from being pirated.

Read the whole article @ iPhone Hacks

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New Free iPhone App DRM Claims to Thwart Pirates

Piracy of iPhone applications has become quite a hot topic recently, particularly since ‘one-click’ cracking apps such as Crackulous have become available to the public. The Kali Anti-Piracy system from Ripdev believes it has the answer, putting pirates on notice that the easy ride to free software is over.

Last week the one-click iPhone software cracking application Crackulous became officially available to the public. The software would give anyone the ability to remove the copy protection from software purchased from the Apple App Store, enabling people to share them with others.

There were mixed opinions on the news. Some thought that it was great that there was an increased potential for a flood of cracked iPhone software, but a significant number of people expressed concerns that software developers would shy away from the format if they couldn’t guarantee a revenue stream.

Of course, the piracy/anti-piracy cat-and-mouse game was inevitable and today a new DRM system has been launched by Ripdev, promising to thwart those pesky iPhone pirates.

Read the whole article @ Torrent Freak

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Download free iPhone theme for Blackberry - bPhone theme

While i was busy developing a free theme for iPhone through iPhone theme maker, my friend shared the theme that he was using in his Blackberry phone, and it totally resembled the iPhone interface and its buttons, sleek options etc. And it was called bPhone theme.

The bPhone theme for blackberry is described as -
The beauty of an iPhone. The power of a BlackBerry. And it holds true, as Blackberry is a strong device, and iPhone’s interface is always beautiful. Adding up both into one, would make it better.

Here is what the developer have to say about the theme -

Inspired by the iPhone, bPhone for BlackBerry features icons straight from the iPhone in addition to custom-made icons that fit into the iPhone theme. The top banner is dark glass, the signal and battery indicators were created from scratch to mimic the iPhone’s, the “busy” indicator is the Mac OS X beachball, and there is liberal use of gray and blue (Mac and iPhone’s primary interface colors) throughout the theme. The fonts are set at a medium size.

Read the whole article @ The WWW Blog

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