We’ve already shared our favorite Facebook applications to combat workday blues, and we’ve pointed you towards some great online shows to escape the daily grind, but sometimes you just need a mobile-friendly solution for those never ending all-hands meetings.
So whip out your phone and download these five free apps that will either keep your gaming fetish in check or test your ability to shoot virtual hoops, smash digital moles, master finger mazes, and keep blob-like creatures safe from harm.
1. iBasketball
iBasketball, which hails from SGN, creators of iBowl, turns your iPhone into a Wii-like object that you can use to interface with the game for some virtual BBall action.
To get in the game, just use your phone and literally make the shot motion, as if you were actually playing basketball, when holding the phone vertically. You can even dribble, just hold the phone horizontally and make the dribble motion. Sure your coworkers will think you’re crazy, but you’ll be enjoying a game of around-the world, and when they eventually get jealous you can kick them off the court in a live one-on-one match.
Get a Free iPhone! Yes, that is correct! Stay away from the hassles of earning enough to pay for it for you can get it the simple way .... straight to your doorstep! Free! Interested? Then find out how to get a Free iPhone!
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