Role playing games have always been a popular way to kill time on computers, and now you can play them on the go. You can run your own mob crew, slay dragons, or even “assassinate” your friends with your camera. Some of the games listed below offer paid upgrades if you really like them, but for now, give the free versions a spin and see what tickles your fancy.
Have your own favorite to add to the list? Tell us about it in the comments.
Agency Wars Lite - Play the role of a secret agent for agencies such as the CIA, KGB or MI6, taking on dangerous missions around the globe with up to five other players. Look for weapons, earn awards and live the life of a spy. This is the free “lite” version, any of the multiple paid versions unlock more items.
Assassin - Assassin is essentially T.A.G. - The Assassination Game updated for the 21st century. Instead of using dart guns, you use your iPhone’s camera to hunt your targets, all the while trying to avoid being “assassinated” by your unknown “killer.” Once you capture your target in a picture, you send it in for approval, and then you inherit their target until you are the last assassin left standing in your area.
CrappyRPG Lite - A role playing game in the traditional hack-and-slash style where you have a fully customizable character with skills and abilities that you can build over time by gaining experience from fighting enemies. The Lite version allows you to play up to the ninth level, while the full version has 29 levels in total.

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