Red Bull Air Race Lite from Artificial Life has been released, but it isn't free. Does this first spell out the start of a new pricing trend?
Published on Apr 15, 2009
In what would appear to be a first for the App Store, a lite version of a game has been released that isn’t free. The game in question is Artificial Life’s Red Bull Air race. Up until now, the lite version has generally been used as a marketing tool to help shift more copies of the full paid-for version, essentially a demo and always free.
This is a bold move by publisher Artificial Life, especially considering we’ve only just seen the lite version flourish into a trend that’s been adopted by every sort of developer, from the huge to the tiny. Red Bull Air Race Lite still only costs the smallest amount the App Store allows, 59p, but if it’s successful it could mean that big publishers may be tempted into using the same tactic.
What could this mean for the future of the lite version? Well, we like it as it is at the moment. Red Bull Air Race Lite may offer more content than your average freebie lite version, but when the price of most iPhone games means you can skip between games fairly quickly without worrying too much about the cost, whether an additional bridge between a quick demo and a full version is needed is a point of contention.
The full version of the Red Bull Air Race lite is planned for release towards the end of April.
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