Fandango Movie App
I like to go to the movies, but I don't like to have to wait on the phone to get movie times if I am not near a computer to check online. I downloaded the new Fandango application for the iPhone and if you are a movie fan, you need to grab the app too.
Using the application you can put in your zip code or allow the app to find your location. After your location is entered, the application will show you nearby movie theaters along with movie times. If the theater participates, you can even buy movie tickets right from the application with your credit card and avoid the lines. Movie times are accurate and the application is very easy to use. Fans can also rate movies via the application.
One of the games I often play when I am sitting in the line to pick my son up from school is a darts game from Brian Hammond, which you can get more details on from dartsapp. The game is simple enough and offers practice and play versus AI modes. When playing the AI you can choose from beginner, intermediate, and master skill levels. Two game types are offered including X01 and Cricket.

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