
How do I connect to free AT&T iPhone Wi-Fi?

For those with iPhone contracts, AT&T offers free iPhone Wi-Fi at hotspots on their network. There are thousands of AT&T wireless Wi-Fi locations nationwide. Connecting is easy and will incur no charges on your wireless bill.

Start by searching for a local AT&T hotspot, or entering your local Starbucks (most locations provide AT&T Wi-Fi access). You can find a map of available AT&T Wi-Fi locations on the AT&T website.

AT&T hotspots are available at:

Convention Centers
Sports Centers
Starbucks locations

To connect, first make sure your iPhone Wi-Fi is set to ON (under Settings -> Wi-Fi).

Select "attwifi" from the list of available networks under Settings -> Wi-Fi -> "Choose a Network..."

Open Safari and enter a web address or go to a bookmark. The AT&T Wi-Fi login screen will appear to verify your AT&T customer account.

apple iphone att wifi hotspot free

Enter your mobile phone number including the area code and check the box to agree to the Acceptable Use Policy. Touch the "Click Here To Continue" button.

[via iPhone FAQ]

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