Apple's keynote address from its Worldwide Developers Conference may be over, but the dust surrounding the event has not yet settled. Overall, many fans were happy to see what Apple announced during the speech, but there were also howls of derision directed at AT&T, and sometimes even Apple.
Here's a breakdown of the reactions:
AT&T is getting slammed right now for to its inability to keep up with international iPhone carriers. Unlike other iPhone users around the world, AT&T customers will have to wait until later this summer to use fancy new iPhone features like Multimedia Messaging and tethering.
Dan commenting on the iPhone blog kept it simple and said, "AT&T sucks, period." KRG over on CrunchGear, meanwhile, made a crack about AT&T service, "Why would you want to make calls [with the iPhone 3GS]? I didn't think that was a working feature in the old iPhone 3G anyway."
Blogger Matthew Schulz is starting his own grassroots campaign against AT&T on Twitter: "ACT NOW: Tweet @ATTNews re: WWDC FAIL! We can make a difference!"
Weighing in on the iPhone 3GS pricing debate, Technologizer and former PC World editor-in-chief Harry McCracken, Harry McCracken said he has no sympathy for iPhone 3G users who may have to pay more to get the new iPhone. That set off an interesting debate. Commenter Michael started his argument with a literary allusion, "Harry McCracken...You're a Douche." But John Doe was quick to defend the Technologizer with a counterpunch directed at Michael, "Wait, someone disagrees with my whine? Let me attack them."
iPhone 3GS
The new iPhone is supposed to be faster than current models, it has a compass (something that got one WWDC audience member a little too excited), and an upgraded still camera with video functionality.
But some people just weren't buying it, literally.
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