
Free iPhone Apps To Waste 5 Minutes (PHOTOS)

People always want to focus on using the iPhone to be productive. I'm certainly no exception, but for this article I'd like us all to embrace the fact that the iPhone is excellent at wasting time. In fact, the iPhone App Store provides more than 100,000 ways to spend your time, and I want to highlight just a few of the many apps that have absolutely no productive value. Got 5 minutes to spare and no desire to get anything done (or buy anything)? Well then I've got some apps for you...

So, finally, there's Photoshop for your iPhone, except that it isn't the advanced designer and artist's tool you can buy for $999. Instead it's free and, as you can expect with that kind of price point, it bears little in common with the desktop Photoshop program other than the name. However, it is a great time waster that allows you to transform an iPhone picture in seconds. It's got all the basics - you can crop, rotate, and flip pictures. You can make them black and white and change their tint and saturation. But it goes beyond that with some attention-grabbing and fun, if not entirely useful features. You can use the "Pop" effect you can turn your picture into an Andy Warhol like design. You can make a sketched version of your pic or change it into rainbow colors (who doesn't want their picture changed into a rainbow?). It's got great UI and makes it easy to save your pics to share.

[via Huffington Post]

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