Jim and I labels, joined our discussion playbook in the newspaper today, that come and go over the attributes and disadvantages of RIM's first tablet computer.
In fact they were very impressed with the hardware and operating system in the playbook. The device is sleek, has a big screen, and the operating system is intuitive and attractive.
But I think Jim finally convinced that the lack of native email calendar and contacts applications in the playbook is a fatal error. Although RIM says those features are the short-term solution to its "bridge" playbook with a BlackBerry phone is cumbersome and, at least in the case of AT & T Blackberry, impossible.
At this time, there is simply no reason to buy the playbook more than one tablet of IPAD or Android.
And I do not know if RIM understands how a small window of time you have to correct the problem before the playbook becomes an afterthought.
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