Black prosecutor asked a vision for iPhone, which is actually a camera, called the Leica i9 concept.
At this point Leica and Apple is signed - no surprise there. Unlike other iPhone cases, which have a lifespan of 1-2 years, this concept is to take advantage of iPhone touch screen and 3G
connectivity. In other words, it is a separate chamber, with its image sensor and optical zoom. It's probably best to think of the iPhone as the medium, or in this case the film, though much more advanced. Since the storage capacity of the iPhone is quite limited, the idea is that all pictures will be immediately uploaded to the web, at least that is what is gleaning.
Black DA is linking the cost in the neighborhood of $ 900-1200 and say that the new pier, where the iPhone can be updated to match the iPhone in the future. There will, of course, an accompanying application.
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