These days, apparently launching Apple products flying machines in fashion. The latest to jump aboard the train after falling from a microlight is an iPad locked in a G-form manga extreme. Like the iPhone I talked about that survived a fall far greater (and accidental) of a small plane used for parachute training, the IPAD appears to be unscathed after falling 500 feet to test new Form G-cover soft and flexible to consumer electronics. The last time I asked NASA and our elementary physical education to try to deconstruct what happened with the iPhone falling into the air, but this time we got to see the full episode from beginning to end because they are victims of marketing double again. Some credit shock absorption capacity is certainly by the sleeve of G-form here, but credit also goes to the quality of materials used to make the product shows the touch screen as the iPad in these days ... oh yeah, and landing soft, comfortable-looking grass may have helped a little. In short: I'll gladly give some kudos to G-form here, but I was impressed more had borrowed IPAD and Butterfingers case to our friend's high-flying much more iPhone-dropping - or actually increased the bet for, say, so that the chassis of the new Nissan sheet material from the G-Form and put it through some crash test safety. | ||
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