
Tips To Wok On Time

Don't be late on work, buddy. This is Tips To Work On Time. Repeated delays can be problems in the workplace. Avoid being late to work with a few simple strategies. Repeated delays are often a misconception. Not enough to just get up early or set up a schedule of people into the all-time short when it should be on time. Therefore, the advice of the on-timers/tepat times are not applicable.

Here are some suggestions of Non-traditional as follows:

1. Change the way you Think
You have to work at 8:00? Wrong!. Within hours of your time is 7:30. Remember that, navigate to it. And if you reach it, the additional time after arriving at the office can be used to go to Starbucks (coffee first), answering e-mail, or content themselves with watching other people who come after you. 

2. Calculation
The opportunities do not become bad consequences for those of you who came late. You might get annoyed views of colleagues. Or sometimes a reprimand from the boss, but if your work is really in danger you should quickly change your habits. Can you? So this conclusion: Your work requires the ability to be on time, the `late` look irresponsible, unreliable and did not care. This is not good enough if your aim for promotion, salary increase, or a good reference. You depend on yourself to actually be on time. Remember this when you Bagun every morning and could possibly be the motivation you need to set the time.

3. Negotiation
If you really can not be on time - and some people really, really can not afford. However they tried hard. Overlooking and talk with your boss before he comes to you. Tell him that you realize it really matter, that you are attempting to do so. And offer some brief assessments to be understood by him. Accumulated time you arrived late and did request permission via telephone on the road. As an example, or offer to join a company holiday party set. If you dapt work / assist in keterbatasanmu and show determination to prove the other part, this may make it easier to pe-rekrut/perusahaan to accept the delay.

4. Consider other people
When you are late, other people have to replace you. They are more angry, because they can arrange to be on time, why do not you? Calculate / note this in your habits towards your colleagues and make extra for volunteers to come late, go back to the problem of the relationship, or make an order lunch daily.

Oke folks, let's go to work! dont't be late.. ^^ 


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