The Canon PowerShot G12 is a critics' favorite digital cameras. It's really in a class by itself, reviews say, is a fixed lens camera offering almost all the manual control of a bulky, more expensive digital SLR (DSLR ) camera with great pictures and 720p high-definition video. Other brands try to fill this niche, but not as successful as Canon - for example, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5 (. * Est $ 460) no visor Optical, Canon, and testers say it's not so easy to point and shooters to get great results with the Panasonic. The Canon special, experts say, because it is simple enough for beginners but satisfying for a professional.
G12 keeps everything good in the critically acclaimed Canon PowerShot G11 - the 10 megapixel sensor capable, versatile 5x zoom lens (28 mm to 140 mm range) and swivel LCD screen of 2.8 inches are the high points - and adds the ability to shoot 720p HD video. The G12 allows manual control with brand new front and back control the evaluators are easy to manipulate. An optical viewfinder and both come standard shoe. We found universal praise for image quality of the G12. Tricks tend to be lower, but if you plan to use this camera to record video, keep in mind that you can not use optical zoom in video mode, and no external microphone jack. If you prefer interchangeable lenses, the Olympus E-PL1 PEN (* Est $ 550) is the highest rated compact camera with that capability. If you want something smaller but still advanced, experts recommend the fixed-lens Canon PowerShot S95 (* Est $ 400).
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