The only reason I make this message because you are paying close attention around the web. A post on Mac Rumors are stating that one of its members by e-mail that tells you a representative of AT & T said iPhone will not be a May release date in June or July. This is the exact quote:
Apple has informed us that he will not release the iPhone in June and July period, although there will be a newer version in the future. Unfortunately, not been given release time for the new phone. We will present this information in our website when it becomes available to us.
Now I doubt that Apple has reported a representative of AT & T on iPhone launch date of 5 and I think everyone who sent this advice to Mac Rumors just invented. No Apple or AT & T representative is authorized to give any information about upcoming Apple software that has not been announced by Apple.
Apple has informed us that their WWDC 2011, the conference will focus on software and operating systems, but then again Apple did not announce any new iPhone hardware in your press releases so we can not exclude that there will be any iPhone in June or July, because Apple is secretive about these things until they are actually released. To see if a new iPhone is launching in May, we'll just wait until June 6 because that is when Apple will hold its Worldwide Developers Conference official and announce new products.
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