
Next-gen iPad to Come with Glasses-Free 3D Display?

3D has already begun to make their way into a handful of consumer devices, including Nintendo 3DS, which offers a 3D viewing without glasses. With RIM's recent underwhelming, demonstration-needed 3D glasses for the BlackBerry playbook, it is clear that everyone has a touch of 3D error. RCR Wireless recently now claims to have multiple sources telling him Apple is planning on incorporating 3D technology in the next generation IPAD.

"The fact that 3 is 3D IPAD is a dead cert," a source close to the major Hollywood movie studios RCR, he said, adding that the screen would be real magic. She continued that the big movie studios are running around as "blue-arsed flies trying to" prepare to throw a lot of time 3D content for the upcoming release of Apple.

We're not sure about the reliability of these sources, but Apple has clearly been the exploration of 3D technology in recent years. And 3D, of course, has also been a major recent trend with the release of many 3D TV and 3D movies. It seems that the next generation IPAD could come with a 3D screen, similar to that used in the Nintendo 3DS, although much larger.


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