Further proof that the white iPhone 4 is more of a white elephant came this week when some astute owners noticed a slight variation in thickness between it and the black model. It's a tiny amount - 0.2 mm - but as we all know size does matter.
In fact, it will matter much to the white 4 iPhone buyers and manufacturers of aftermarket cases, as the small difference means many iPhone can not be adjusted in 4 cases in the new white model. Do not you think? Try fitting a rear protective film and a screen saver on your white iPhone 4 and see if it fits in the case of bookmarks. We have tested it enough that it causes mounting problems with the black model now, and are designed for your phone!
Of course, some are a little shaky in the first place, and bumper-style cases are not affected, but cases striking slider or rigid polycarbonate tanks have problems.
The other four variants iPhone has a similar problem. Verizon CDMA iPhone 4 has its volume buttons and mute switch on a somewhat different case forcing manufacturers to either provide two models, or adapt any of the securities. Add one more case for the iPhone sized white 4 and has potentially have three different types of the same case on the shelf.
An aftermarket case has never been as important as it is for iPhone 4, and for Apple to redesign not once but twice, should be a huge frustration for case managers. It is also potentially confusing and irritating for customers who can not understand that there is a difference.
The solution is for manufacturers if not bothering to do anything for the white iPhone 4. This is reasonable for two reasons: one, anyone who bought a white model they have done for attention, so let's show it off, and two, before this period of time, nobody will care about the iPhone 4 , whatever their color, anyway
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