
Sirius XM to Release FREE iPhone Application

Today it was announced that the uSirius, Sirius XM application for the iPhone, had been rejected by the app. reviewers at Apple. The guys at Nicemac put up a release on their website earlier today that paints a pretty clear picture of what has recently happened.

Sirius XM has clearly moved to take action with Apple to block the release of arguably the most eagerly anticipated iPhone application ever. Now why would they do such a thing? The only possible answer is they have a free application which they developed in-house, that is most likely hours away from being approved.

With the 4th quarter earnings and the March 11th price increase only days away, the excitement is so thick that you could cut it with a knife. The sly dog that is Sirius XM has had this in their back pocket all along but, one has to wonder why they have sat on such great news for so long now? Surely this company could not be so incompetent that they would move to block an application which could do nothing but add to their own bottom line without a plan of their own. Could they?

Is it possible that the management at Sirius is so frighteningly ignorant that they would get down on their knees and beg for a $530 million loan one day, only to block the only decent piece of new technology that could allow them to repay that loan the next?

Read the whole article @ Sirius Buzz

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